Monday 21 January 2013

Snow day!!

I . love. snow.
I've discovered that I crave snow in the way that some people crave sun and sunny holidays. And we finally got a proper amount on Friday, a proper, beautiful, couldn't-get-to-work-even-if-I-wanted-to, foot deep layer of snow. Snow has the ability to make everything look soft and breathtaking, even the big cities, so out here in our valley, it really made it a winter wonderland.


And what better way to spend the afternoon after a walk in the snow than curled up indoors with several cats, mugs of tea and woolly knitting? Since I had been distracted by mittens and legwarmers last week, I finally got a chance to make a bit more progress on my Celestarium - nearly through chart E now! only GIGANTIC chart F to go, and probably a 1200-stitch-per-row border, but lets not worry about that now. It is terribly pretty though.

And for something slightly less intense, I cast on yet another Daybreak , possibly my absolute favourite pattern of all time. I think this is the 7th I've just works so well with so many yarns. This was actually my first attempt at dyeing fibre, and one of the very first yarns I spun when I got my wheel last year - I think it's BFL fibre, or possibly merino. Knitting with hand spun feels completely different: the yarn is constantly changeing and the texture is something completely different, it's really exciting!

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